Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Behold the Craziness

Didn't you know that it is more fun to  walk around blindfolded? Trayvn sure thought so. It wasn't until he ran into 100 things before he realized it might not be such a great idea in the first place.

Uncle Kayl came over to play this morning. After a quick wrestling match, they decided to get out the Angry birds board game  and play

Then all heck broke out when the nerf gun showed up. Kayl started running and the boys started chasing. Around and around they went. Kayl was such a good sport.

While the boys were being crazies, Mommy was feeding Maylie Hope.
I love babies with messy faces who are completely full and almost drunk looking :)

After Maylie's nap  we changed her clothes and decided to try some new foods. PEAS! Oh my was it funny!

She was NOT a fan. Haha

These next picture were from the other day. I thought it was so cute how the boys were lying on the floor next to each other like best friends watching a movie. I hope they will always be friends and stay close.

This was another momentous occasion. I was able to get Maylie's hair in an elastic!!!! It might be the tiniest little ponytail in the world, but it still counts! Oh how I wish this girl had hair!

The boys were being creative and thought it would be fun to give their little sister a ride in the laundry basket. Surprisingly, she didn't hate it. Actually, she really enjoyed it. She smiled and giggled and then cried when they stopped. They did it with her forever!

The only problem came when Trayvn wanted a turn to push and Rhev wasn't ready to let him have a turn. So Trayvn go his own basket in hopes to get the sister. Well Rhev was willing to give up the sister either. Luckily sweet Trayvn was happy to just push an empty basket and had a great time being faster then Rhev.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

We Painted the Walls Red

After spending a year looking at ugly kitchen walls, I decided it was time to paint them. So I painted them read :) Tyce plans on putting up rock on the kitchen walls, but since he doesn't have any time these days,  I figured painting them would make them look a little better until the day he does have time. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Wrecking On the Rhino

This weekend we went on a day drive down to Utah to buy a Rhino from someone on KSL. We got home late, but Chase, Kayl and Tyce were able to get a little test drive in. Then next morning after Lindsey England's piano lesson we decided it would be fun to drive her home on the Rhino. She lives just down the road so it would have been just a quick ride. We put Maylie buckled in the front passenger seat in her car seat and just had Lindsey sitting in the back with a boy on each side. As we started heading down the road I got up to almost 35 miles when suddenly I lost control of the Rhino and we went powering through the fence hitting the fence post and bucking all three back passengers off the side. Immediately I panicked and thought the worst had happened to the kids. I hurried and climbed out and found Lindsey lying in a sage brush bush with Trayvn safely sitting on her lap and her arm around Rhev who was lying face down. Lindsey had managed to hold tightly onto both boys and cushioned their landings. Rhev had a cut on his head from where he hit a rock, but Trayvn came off completely fine. Lindsey had a couple scrapes and a bruised bum, but she too was just fine. Because Lindsey was so quick, I know that she saved them from some pretty severe trauma. She was truly a hero. After I checked on the boys, I realized that I hadn't heard anything from Maylie. Once again my heart leaped and I ran over to her carseat to check on her. The sweet little girl had slept through the whole ordeal. She was completely fine. 

Once we had checked everyone and made sure everyone was okay, I walked around the Rhino to see what might have caused our wreck. Apparently the back passenger tire and rim had completely come off sending us sliding into the barrow pit.

I called Tyce to tell him what happened and see if he could come pick us up, but he wasn't able to get away from work. Then I remembered that Dave was going to be coming out to our house to pick up some of his things from our basement sometime that day, so I gave him a call. He just so happened to be just about ready to turn onto our road. He came down, picked us up, Sister Balls stopped by and picked up Lindsey and took her home and then Dave brought us home so we could fix up Rhev's head, grab the yukon and trailer to go pick up the rhino. With the help of a neighbor from down the road who stopped by to help, we managed to get the Rhino home. It turned out to be quite the adventure. There were so many blessing and miracles that happened. The Rhino should have rolled, the kids should have been hurt, we could have been stranded alone for a while and other bad things could have happened. I know I can see God's hand in the whole adventure. We pray every day that we will be watched over and protected. This day we got to see that protection happen 1st hand. We are truly blessed and I'm so grateful to still have all my family and Lindsey!