Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Visit From Brittny and Jerik

My dearest friend Brittny and her fiance' Jerik came over to bring us dinner and play with the boys. Rhev and Trayvn hed a great time showing off and playing with their "aunt' Brittny. They hadn't seen her for a while, but played with her like she had never been gone. They were showing her all their cool tricks on the trampoline. Rhev's new favorite thing to do is climb up on to the slide and jump off and do a somersault on the tramp. It SCARES ME TO DEATH. He loves it though. One time he bounced so high that he flipped right off the end of the tramp. Some how he managed to grab onto the bar and kept himself from hitting his head on the ground. Immediately he jumped up and looked up at me and without hesitation said "I'm okay Mom". He is such a fearless boy!

Trayvn is getting to be quite the little jumper himself. Thankfully he hasn't yet tried to copy his brother and jump off the slide. He thinks it's crazy too.

After they jumped on the tramp for a bit, Rhev asked Brittny if she would go on a bike ride with him so of course she said yes. Brittny, Jerik and Rehv rode bikes and Tyce, Trayvn and I followed on the Fourwheeler. We rode clear down to the canal to throw rocks in the water.

Brittny did the whole thing with a flat tire :)

They are going to make a great couple when they get married in October. I am so happy for my best friend. She deserves the best! My boys also really like him so you know he is a keeper.

Just Another Photoshoot

I was missing my boys alot today, so I decided to go over to Candy Grandma's and visit them. They were just as happy to see me as I was of them so I snapped a couple pictures. I just could resist these two happy faces!

Rhev was "packing" all sorts of things on a cart and pushing it through the house pretending it was his job. Sometimes that little boys mind is more creative then I would ever understand.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Weekend in Island Park

The boys and I spent the weekend in Island Park with some of my family. We all stayed in Uncle Stanley's cabin. We had a couple days just to relax. The kids played and had a great time. We got there really late Thursday night so the boys were already asleep. They woke up early the next morning and Kimmy and Grandpa took them fishing.
They didn't get even a single bite, but both boys thought it was cool just to be able to hold the fishing pole.

(You can't see him, but Kimmy is holding Trayvn helping him fish.)

The rest of the day was spent just hanging out. Erik got his boat out and took some people on rides, but the rest of us just got to stay at the cabin.
Grandma got out the water color paints and let the kids paint. I think the painted about 50 pictures. My boys thought it was really cool.

Then they pulled out the scooters and wiggle cars. Halle was so good with giving Trayvn a ride. She was so patient and cute with him.

Rhev worked on his scooter skills. He got to the point where he could balance for quite a while without tipping over or having to touch the ground.

Because I was mostly stuck to the couch I got to have Duncan feeding duty. Once Trayvn discovered that I was holding and feeding Duncan, he of course had to come and help. He did a pretty good job feeding him, but got bored after a while.

Later the evening we went over to big springs to see the fish. I was the wrong time of day, so there weren't very many fish to see. They were all hiding underneath the bridge. That didn't stop the kids however from throwing a whole loaf of bread out to the ducks :)

 There was another group of kids there the were taking their shoes off and putting their feet in the water. Rhev wanted to do it so bad.

 So instead he went over to the dock and reached as far as he could hoping he could touch the water.

I tried to get a good picture of the boys together, but all I got was cheesy faces and the their backsides. Reaching for the water was way more fun then having Mommy take their picture.

At the top of the platform at big springs is a plaquw that explains why the water there stays the same tempurature all year round. Rhev was pretending to be smart and climbed up and read the plaque to us. Of course it was this long drawnout explination of what the pictures were depidciting and had nothing to do with what was really on the plaque. It was quite hilarious to listen to. He was so proud of himself when he'd finished.

As Rhev and I were walking back to the car, he started licking my hand like a puppy. He was being so cute and such a good buddy. I just had to get a Mommy and Rhev moment. We haven't been able to do very many adventures together this summer and it was fun to have a just a little moment together.

The next day we woke up, packed things up and waited until after lunch so that my boys could go swimming with the Goodwins at the Island Park Village Clubhouse.  I went swimming too because we thought the water might feel good for my back and I knew Kim could not handle Trayvn and Tucker in the water by herself. During this swimming trip I discovered that my boys are little frearless fishies. I had no idea they had gotten so good at swimming this summer at Candy Grandma's house. Next summer Rhev starts swim camp and I am now so excited to take him. I just know he is going to do great and love it.

Once we were done swimming, the boys and I headed home. It was good to get home and see Tyce. The boys were missing him and so was I. We had a good night together as a family at home. Those nights haven't happend very often the last few months.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Trayvn's 2nd Birthday

I can't believe my baby is 2! These last 2 years have gone by so fast. My sweet little baby boy is now a terrorizing 2 year old, but boy does this Mom love him! My Mom came over today to do the "cleaning" day so that I could spend the day with my birthday boy. It really turned out to be a great day. Rhev was so great all day playing with Trayvn and helping him make it his special day. We had to wait until later in the afternoon to open presents so that Tyce could be off work. Rhev had picked out a train for Trayvn and it was killing him to have to wait so long to open it. He thought a train would be the perfect gift for Trayvn, but I  think he really just wanted it for himself.
Rhev was really proud of his present for him.

Mom and Dad got Trayvn a bug catching kit and a bug puzzle. He loves to catch bugs and critters put them in containers. a bug kit was perfect for him. 

Luke Grandma got Trayvn a big blow up toy with lots of balls to play with. Trayvn got so excited!

Once Daddy got it blown up, both boys got in a ball fight with Dad. It was so funny to watch! Tyce couldn't keep up with all the balls being thrown at him and the boys just laughed and laughed.

After presents we had some cake. I am a firm believer that every 1 and 2 year old should be able to eat their own cake on their birthday with their hands. Trayvn did not disappoint us.

There is no way to resist that smile of his!

After cake, Dad thought it would be a fun idea to go to the park. We drove clear into town to Jensen's Grove so they could play on the big toys.
My boys were in Heaven!

I can't believe how big he has gotten.

Daddy even climbed up and got into the action. 

We were there for quite awhile when Candy Grandma, Brielle and Shandarae came to  play and bring Trayvn a present. My boys are so lucky to have so many people in there life who truly love and adore them. On the way home from the park both boys were so tired, they both fell asleep on the drive home. They had both had such a good day, especially Trayvn. We are so grateful to have our little Trayvn in our lives.

About Trayvn
~He LOVES bugs and is an expert at catching them
~He loves his big brother and loves to pick on him
~He knows alot of words and will repeat everything you say. We call him parrot.
~His nickname is Puppy because he crawls like a puppy, eats food off the floor like a puppy and loves to give puppy kisses (licks on the cheek)
~Daddy is his hero and best friend. He loves to play with his Daddy.
~He loves to sleep with his Monkey and silk blanket at night.
~He is our Artist. He will color all the time if we would let him. He holds the crayons with both hands and put his head right next to the picture at the end of the crayon.
~His favorite thing to draw is his hand and swirls.
~His favorite food is anything anyone else is eating. He's a mooch.
~He loves 4-wheeler rides and always sits on his spot on the front.
~His new favorite phrase is to say "I do it". He's become very independent.
~His favorite show is Wreck it Ralf.
~ He is our 7:30 alarm clock. Every day he wakes up at 7:30 and yells in his room until someone will open the door and play hide and seek with him.

We love are Trayvn so much. He does so much to brighten everyday. Our family would not be complete without him. He is such a blessing.