Rhev has wanted his own Nook for a really long time. We bought him one for Christmas, but then he changed his mind and decided he wanted a train instead. So we decided to hang on to it and give it to him for his birthday. Then when the time came for his birthday, once again he wanted a train instead. So after that I decided maybe instead of it being a gift it could be something he earned. Tyce and I came up with a plan for Rhev to earn the money and pay us for his nook (it's actually a kindle, but his mom has a nook so that's what every tablet is to him). We made a sticker chart where he could earn stickers if he did his "good boy assignments". Those assignments included things like: making his bed each morning, not hitting Trayvn, Saying his prayers morning and night, reading his scriptures, being nice in primary, doing things when asked the first time, doing chores with a good attitude and paying his tithing. Every time mom and dad felt like he did a "good boy assignment" we would give him a sicker to put on his chart. Every so often there would be a box that had a $1 on it and he would get a dollar to put in his home made bank for either fun money or tithing. I was surprised just how motivated he was to earn money for his "nook". He worked so hard and and very few slip ups. After a while of doing this and him earning money I noticed that his money started building up really fast. All the boy needed was $25 to pay for his "nook" and for some reason he more money in his bank then I had been giving him. I questioned him about this and thought that maybe he stole it from his dad and I. His response to me shocked me and I learned never to underestimate the understanding of a 4 year old. He realized that all he really needed was money for the "nook" and that earning stickers was going to take a long time. So this little boy went through all the money he's ever gotten from birthdays and whatever put it in the bank and the started searching the house. Every couch cushion, all the pockets in the laundry and anywhere else money might be lying around because the standing rule in our house is; If it's left out and someone finds it, it's theres'. That boy in one day came up with $11. I could not believe it. I was so entertained by his determination to find loose change around the house. After that I had to be a sneaky mom when I would count the money with him. I still wanted him to finish the Good Boy chart just because I knew it would be good motivation and good practice for him.
One of the hardest parts to earning his money came when it was time to pay tithing. After he made his first $10 we informed him that the Lord had blessed him and it was time to give the Lord something back in return. He did NOT like the idea that he had to give a whole $1 to his grandpa (the bishop). He kept saying, "I worked really hard for that money, it's mine, not grandpa's. He can have his own money." Still, after his fits, we managed to convince him to pay his tithing and he did. After that Sunday we had a lesson on tithing and helped him understand that he made Heavenly Father really happy. He also felt pretty cool being able to go up on the stand and give the Bishop his envelope After he earned the next $10 he was a lot more eager to pay his tithing. He was actually really excited to do it. He saw his Grandpa walk into the chapel and up onto the stand. Rhev burst out of the isle, ran up to his Grandpa, handed him the envelope and ran back down before the Bishop could even shake his hand. He was so proud of himself and we were proud too.
Well sticker after sticker, $1 after $1, Rhev finally earn enough money for his "own beary nook". It was so easy for him to pay us the $25 and he was over joyed that he still had lots of money left over. We told him that was a blessing of paying his tithing :). Once we gave it to him, he played that nook til the battery died. He absolutely loves it. I'm so impressed by the things he's learned from it. He loves to play it and yet, he doesn't fight us when we tell him his time is up for the day. I'm so proud of that little boy. Everyday he does something that just make me love him more and more.
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