Saturday, December 14, 2013

Carlson Christmas Party

It's that time of year again. The crazy Carlson clan gets together for some holiday fun. This year we started late in the day with a driving scavenger hunt. We drove all over the Moreland area collecting different parts of the nativity scene. It was really a spiritual experience and I think everyone had a good time. 

After the Scavenger hunt we all met up at the church for some delicious soup and games. There are so many kids in our family and they are a riot when you get them all together. There is never a dull moment and there is always a lot of laughter.

As tradition goes, Santa came to visit us. I think we are Santa's favorite family to visit. We are really lucky. 
I love my big Giant family!
 The kids are so well behaved waiting to sit on Santa's lap. It was instant good behavior.

I was worried Trayvn would be scared sitting on Santa's lap, but I was totally wrong. He loved Santa. He snuggled right in and loved every minute. We almost had to pull him off. And even when we finally got him off, he kept trying to get back on when the other kids would get off. 
 He was so cute! He asked Santa to bring him a Wreck it Ralph coloring book on Christmas.

Santa brought him an airplane that makes noises and has "yellow dino (little tiny)" people. He loved it and play with it all night. 

Rhev was so excited and so patient waiting to get on Santa's lap. 

 Maylie got her turn to sit with Santa. Hunger had set in and she wasn't too thrilled that I was giving her from her food source.

 What was even more painful was having to wait to eat and open her present. She got her first dolly. 

Finally Rhev's name was called. You can just see how polite and proud he is to be finally sitting on his lap. He was so excited to tell Santa that he wanted a "big long train with lots of carts". I really hope he a good boy and gets his train!
Rhev, along with all the other boys, all got some pretty awesome Nerf guns. They all opened their guns at the same time and it quickly turn into a blue Nerf gun bullet rain and a contest to see who could hit uncle Dave and Uncle Erik.

Santa sure does make our family Christmas party special.  

Thank you to Santa and his helpers! They are the best!

I thought this picture was sweet. Uncle Wes was the Maylie baby whisperer. She responds so well to him. You have to know this little girl is loved!

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