Sunday, October 6, 2013

Wheeling Trip to Get Baby Sister Here

It's now conference weekend and little baby sister still is not here. I've been contracting all week, but no progress has been made. Dr. Soucie finally stripped my membranes on Wednesday, so we're hoping that it might move things along more. Tyce decided he would help me out by taking us on a 4-wheeling ride on the desert. He thought all the bumps would do what it takes to bump the baby out. The boys were so excited when we pulled out the snow clothes to help keep them warm. Rhev thought that we were going to go to the mountains to find some snow for snowmobiling. He is his fathers son. One track mind to snowmobiling.  We got them all dressed up and Rhev had to have his picture taken.
Once we were all loaded, we went over and picked up Luke Grandma and Grandpa. They got to come with us on our adventure. We rode out on the desert to Rattle Snake Cave. Tyce told us the reason it was called that is because back in the cowboy and Indian days, roughians would bring people out there and throw them in the cave because it was filled with rattle snakes. It was kind of a coincidence because while we were there, Grandpa stumbled upon a rattle snake. He got some great pictures and the rest of us stayed away. We really had alot of fun. It really put me in alot of pain, but in my mind, it was worth it because I was sure it got me dilated to a 5.

Once we got home from our adventure, we took a little bit of a break and watched a short show as a family. All 3 of my boys can zone out pretty good when it comes to a good show.

After the show, Trayvn went down for a nap and Tyceand Rhev went outside to work on tilling the lawn. Tyce has been working so hard so we'll be able to get grass planted. 

Later in the evening my contractions were really intense and 2 minutes. So we called the doctor and headed into the clinic to be checked. I felt so bad because we made him miss part of the priesthood session, but I was so glad he could do it. I thought for sure I was dilated to a 5 and that we would be having a baby. He checked me and I was a 2. I had not dilated hardly anything in the last couple days since he checked me. My heart was crushed. He did say that he was pretty sure if I went walking that it would make me dilate more and if I had he would send me to the hospital and break my water. So Tyce and I went for a walk. We walked 2 1/2 miles. After our painful walk, we went in and got checked again and I had dilated to a 3 so he said I could go to the hospital and he would be up soon to break my water.  Tyce and I were both so excited. It was 9:30pm by the time we got to the hospital. Once there, they put me on the monitors and saw that I was indeed contracting. The nurse checked me and I had no change from a 3. We stayed there for  a few hours and I still had no change so they decided to send me home since I was not completely full term. I was so disappointed. I was physically and mentally ready to be done being pregnant and with contractions, but was still sent home. Now we get to do more waiting. I just wish this little girl would get here.

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