Well the day finally came! Our Baby Girl is here!!!
Tyce and I had a very early start with our alarm clock going off at 3:15. We got dressed and ready to and left the house by 4:15. We got to Mountainview Hospital and admitted to our room by 5:15. It was so hard to believe this day was here. The only frustrating part was that I had just spent the last 11 days contracting and at 12:30am that morning my contractions had stopped. I don't know why my body has to be so difficult ALL the time. They put me on the monitors and watched my wimpy contractions. Just as the nurse was barely getting through the 1001 questions they have to ask you, a code blue was called and we were left alone for almost an 1 1/2. Then the nurse came back, finished the questions and my Mom got there. I was really excited to share that experience with her. She's been there for us the whole way through and since I am her only daughter to have a daughter in the last 16 years, I thought it would be a really neat experience to share. Doctor Soucie arrived around 8:30am to break my water. We thought that if my water broke there would only be a couple hours or so of labor left to go. It took him a really long time to break my water. It was hard to get to and was extremely thick. Once my water was broke, my contractions stopped completely. I walked and moved and did everything I could to try and get them to kick into gear, but it just wasn't happening. So with the advice of my wonderful nurse Rachel, we decided to put me on pit until they got going really good. I was on pit for an hour (putting us at 11:00) and they were going really good. It got me to a 7. So I got off pit, expecting to be almost done, and started moving around some more.
At 1:00 My contractions had completely stopped again so we had to go back onto pit and I was confined to a bed; something I wanted to avoid at all costs considering the last 5 1/2 months I spent laying in a bed:). Once on pit, the contractions got really really strong and painful. There were times when I didn't think I could make it. By the time I got to the point where I was sure I needed some pain medication, the doctor thought it was too late. Then he checked me and I was a 9 1/2. A 9 1/2 who does that?! I was stuck there for 20 minutes. Not able to push or do anything, just suffer with the pain:) Finally the urge to push came, I gave one good push and got her crowned, then we had to wait. Once again I stopped contracting for a moment. It felt like forever waiting for the next contraction to come. Once it finally did, I only took one more push and our sweet little Miss Maylie Hope joined the world screaming. They layed her on my belly and I just hugged her. It was such a joyous moment that I could not explain in words. To finally have the prize at the end of the marathon was such a relieving feeling. They took little miss over to be weighed and wiped while the doctor finished up with me. Once the placenta was out, the doctor noticed it was extremely calcified. He said the cause of it was probably because my body had spent the last 5 months contracting and putting so much stress on it. The thick placenta is probably the reason why I couldn't dilated on my own and it would have made it so I could never have had my water break on it own. The main reason my placenta was scary is if little miss would have stayed in there much longer, she probably would have not lived. Her body wouldn't have been getting the nutrients she would have needed to stay alive in my tummy. We are so blessed that we were able to deliver her early. She is absolutely wonderful and is such a blessing!!! This Mommy needed this baby girl more then she knew.
Maylie Hope Williams
5 lbs 12 Oz
19 1/2 inches long
Dr. Soucie |
Loving Daddy |
Tyce just kept looking at her. He is a really good Daddy to boys, but I think he has totally melted for this little girl!
All dressed and not so thrilled to be wearing clothes. I love her expression in the next picture. She just looks ticked at her Dad :)
Proud Parents |
Luke Grandpa |
Kim was so sweet and brought my Dad up to visit once her boys got out of school. She had all six boys loaded up and waiting in the car so she and Grandpa could come and see the baby. She is definitely trying for favorite Aunt status.
Later in the evening Candy Grandma finally brought her brothers to come visit. I was really excited for them to meet her. They have been so excited along with everyone else and I knew their reaction would just be precious. They didn't disappoint!
It was love at first sight!!!
Kayl and Brielle came with Candy Grandma as well. Uncle Kayl thought it would be funny to put gloves on the boys head to entertain them.
Corinne and Craig also came to visit us. I just love that girl!!!
Rhev was feeling a little unsure about things after the initial baby introduction. I think it really scared him to see me in the hospital bed. He worries so much about his Mom.
Candy Grandma |
I LOVE this sweet picture of my boy with his sister!
Once everyone had left and the commotion settled down, it was finally time for some much needed rest. Maylie was resting so peacefully.
The night wasn't the greatest night, because let's face it, nobody can get any sleep at a hospital. But once morning came things were great. Our little Maylie is so beautiful. Her Daddy and I got some really great snuggle time. It was quiet all day except for a sweet visit from her great-grandma Christensen. We were hoping to be able to discharge at 2:00, but they wouldn't let us leave until little Miss pooped. We waited and waited. We were starting to get concerned that maybe she could be CF.
Finally at 6:20pm she pooped :) It was one of the greatest poopy diapers I have ever changed. It meant she wasn't CF and that we could go home to our boys.
We got her all dressed and ready for her first debut out into the world.
It wasn't until 9:00pm until they FINALLY discharged us. It was frustrating because we thought we would be home by 3:00pm.
Once we got to Candy Grandma's and picked the boys up, it was a little after 10:00pm. The boys were still boinking and ready to have their Mom and Dad home. We of course had to get baby sister out and give everyone a chance to hold her.
Trayvn had other ideas and needed some attention, so Chase and Shandarae starting tossing him into Grandpas arms. He would laugh and laugh!!!
All in all it turned out to be a remarkable 2 days. I am so happy with our baby girl. She is perfection! We are all totally in love. Our life is so wonderful right now with her in it. She makes us complete right now. I am so happy to have this opportunity to be the Mommy to such a sweet spirit! I LOVE LOVE LOVE her!!!
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