Friday, July 4, 2014

The 4th of July

The day began with the traditional community Independence day breakfast at Candy Grandma's. She invites neighbors from around the block to come bring food and everyone cooks and prepares it.  It's a great way to get started in the spirit of Community and Independence.

After a couple hours of playing, little sister was tuckered out so I took her home to have a nap.

The boys stayed playing at grandma's building in the sand.

That night we drove to Idaho Falls to watch the fireworks. We unloaded our bikes. Thanks to Kim for letting us borrow her pull behind cart and child size tandem bike. Trayvn and Maylie rode in the pull behind and Rhev rode the tandem. It was a little challenging to get the pull behind through the congestion of people, but we made it through and found our spot. It's not a very good spot to see the fireworks. You miss a lot of the small ones, but it works for riding the bikes and getting them out quickly.

The kids were mesmerized by the fireworks. The boys really enjoy it. Maylie mostly did really well. She like the booms that you can feel in your stomach, but she would settle down really quickly.

Once the show was over, we made it back to the car and drove home. Both boys, who didn't have naps, fell asleep instantly. They were so exhausted from a fun filled day.

At home I captured a pretty sweet moment with Daddy and his little girl. She was starving and needing a warm bottle of food. Even though he was tired and ready to sleep, he wrapped her up tight, snuggled her in close and held her until she fell asleep. The bond that they have is so tight! He completely adores her.

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