Saturday, April 19, 2014

Distingished Young Women's Final Night

This year has been such a fun year with DYW. These girls have been truly remarkable. I love all of them so much. We have never had a group come through that was so spunky and fun. They never compain, they never give up, and they are always smiling. I'm so sad to see it come to an end, but I love the progress each of these girls have made. Each of them have grown so much!
To show just how big of jokers they can be, the night of dress rehearsal they all wore fake teeth during their opening number and had big wads of bubble gum in their mouths during self expression. They always knew how to make us laugh and never make things dull.

Coral Arens

Kaylee Hansen

Kaylee Shawver

Phylicia Lee

Talea Dean

Karenika Hutchinson

Katerina Turpin

Haley Smith

Rachel Hepworth

Dezarae Sommercorn

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Savannah Williams, Phylicia Lee, Racheal Hepworth, Talea Dean, Hayley Smith, Kaylee Hansen, Kaylee Shawver, Jentry Robinson, _, Kernika Hutchensen, Coral Arens, Savannah Jenkins, Katerina Turpin, Racheal Williams

The night ended beautifully. All the girls did amazing! I was so proud of them! They all did soooo well! They made us proud. At the end of the night Kaylee Shawver came out on top with Racheal Williams and Savannah Williams by her side. It would be awesome if they all could win, but it just doesn't work that way. All these girls will always have a special place in my heart!

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