Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Cutting Season 2014

It's that time of year again. Here are a few pictures from our daily lunch visits. 

Every day we go the boys have to pick out the biggest potato and bring it home. Trayvn usually ends up taking a nap with it. One afternoon he hid his potato in the heat register under his bed. I'm glad I remembered to ask him about it a couple days later because that would have been a horrible smell and we would have never found it.

In these pictures you can see Rhev climbing up into the even flow bin to find him the perfect potato.

On this day we got to go see Dad at the cellar where they store the seed potatoes after they've been cut. The boys thought it was really cool to try and climb up the mountain of potatoes. It took them a really long time to make it to the top because you take one step up and slide down 2 steps.

They did eventually make it to the top and where "King of the Mountain"

The boys favorite past was when a 10 wheeler showed up to dump the potatoes. Rhev kept trying to get buried by the potatoes :)

Then Rhev kept laying on the potatoes saying that he was like Wreck it Ralph  but instead of a pill of brick for his home, he had a pile of potatoes.

I'm so grateful Tyce has a boss that understands the importance of family and allows us to come visit everyday. If we didn't have those visits the kids would never get to see their Daddy, because he leaves before they wake up and comes home after they've gone to bed. We truly have been blessed being able to have Daddy work as a farmer and be close to home. He loves his job. I'm happy he's happy.

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