Friday, December 20, 2013

If Only I Could Get into Rhev Head

Lately Rhev has been dragging around a bunch of stuffed animal "friends". He play with all of them and has named them all. My favorite is Douglas the duck. Tonight I found him emptying my kitchen cupboards. Instead of getting mad I decided that I would wait and see just what he was up to. I quickly discovered. He was getting dinner set up for all his friends. You will notice that the size of the bowl matches the size of the animal because he didn't want them to eat too much and get a tummy ache.
He was very proud of himself.

The other Rhev imaginary adventure for the day included his making of his own house. I guess I wasn't paying close attention to him when he asked me if he could build his very own house. I didn't notice him collecting all the things he needed for his house. I just saw him set up his tent in the living room and I didn't think anything of it. When it was time for bed he asked it he could sleep in is house. I had every intention of cleaning up the mess once I put him into his bed., but instead I could see the importance in his eyes and gave into his insisting. As I knelt down to tuck him into his tent, I beheld quite the sight. He had truly set it up into a "Home".  He had books, decorations, dishes, a bed and a picture of the temple. It was the sweetest and most innocent sight of a home I had ever seen. He was so proud of his Home. I'm glad that for once I was patient and waited to over react when a reaction wasn't necessary.

Rhev also had a fun moment with his Grandma yesterday. She took the time to help him big a pretty amazing Santa's workshop. It was so special that we had to put the creation on top of the tv in the play so none of the other kids would get to it.

I'm not going to lie, I was really impressed. I thought it was pretty stinking creative of him!

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