Monday, October 21, 2013

Corn Maze

Tyce and I took the boys to the corn maze tonight. Lovingly Luke Grandma volunteered to babysit Miss Maylie. It was way too cold to take her to the maze.  The boys really enjoyed the one on one time with mom and dad. Once we got to the maze we had the boys go for a barrel train ride pulled by a gator. Tyce and I thought that they would just be going in a circle around where we could see them so we let them ride it by themselves. Then the train pulled out and left. Both Tyce and I were so worried. Our kids were gone for 20 minutes. Once the train came back, we saw Rhev, but no Trayvn. I guess they went back to a pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins. Trayvn got really nervous because he was alone without his mom and dad. Luckily the Dads of one of the others riders took him and carried him the whole way back to us because Trayvn would not get back on the train. I was a really scary moment for this Momma. It was such a scary feeling not knowing where my son was. 

After the pumpkin patch we waited for Candy grandma, grandpa and kids to show up. Once they got there, uncle Chase took Trayvn for a ride down the big slides to try and help him not be so upset. It worked. Trayvn loved it.

After the slide the boys went through a mini haystack maze. They were racing Kayl to see who was the fastest through the maze. 

Then we went over to go through the corn mazes. Each of our boys had their own flashlights and did really good about staying right with us. Towards the end Rhev got tired and was ready to be done. 

It was such a great night of family home evening. It's fun that our boys are getting big enough to go out and do stuff like this.

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