Friday, September 13, 2013

A Nights Adventures with Trayvn

Dillon brought both of my boys home early to me the other night so we got to watch a movie together. Trayvn was being a Momma's boy for the first time in a long time. I took every advantage I had to have my boy be my boy and not just a daddy's boy.
I loved having him lay on lap.

He was in a total daze.

After the movie we went outside to water the flowers. Trayvn was my helper. While we were watering the big flower bed a frog jumped out of the corner. Trayvn was as happy as could be catching that frog. It was the best bug he had ever caught. He was so proud of his frog.

He spent a long time just looking at it and examining it. It was pretty cool. when he woke up the next morning, the first thing he said was, "Mom, Frog" as in "Mom where's my frog".

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