Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 4 With Ariana

Today wasn't much of an eventful day. We just spent the day at home with Ari playing with the boys. They woke up and had watermelon for breakfast. Normally I don't take pictures of the boys eating, but they are just took cute with a slice of watermelon.

They could eat watermelon all day if I would let them.

 The afternoon was really rather uneventful. Ari took Rhev outside during Trayvn's nap to play with moon sand that we made (flour and baby oil). They were out there for a good hour before they came in dying of heat. Temperatures have been in the upper 90's these last few days and it makes playing outside a little too difficult. That hour gave me sometime to sit and pamper myself. It was the first time all week that I had a chance to do my hair and make-up :) It feels good to feel like a girl instead of a slob in bed. At least this way I could feel like a girl in bed:)
After moon-sand playing, Tyce came home and we all went downstairs to clean up the spare bedroom. It had a lot of boxes that needed sorted and put away from the move. I sat on a chair and directed traffic while Ari and Tyce did all the work. They did such a good job. The room is totally cleaned out now and ready for someone to sleep in it. It feels really good to have that project done with. During the sorting however, we found the tote that had all my special Christmas decorations in it. We also found a mouse nest inside the tote. We had a nasty little bugger get into the tote and ruin almost everything. My heart was broken. I had so many decorations I had gotten from my Grandma-lady that were completely ruined. I don't know how the mouse got in there, but I hope it's dead now. Lucky Ari got to help me clean off the decorations that could be saved and clean out the tote full of mouse poop.

After the spare room saga, I remembered I had to go take a check to the Fat-boy man with the Ice Cream deliveries with my cheerleaders. While there I got to have quite the experience. Let's just say one thing I have learned is the being a helicopter parent will do absolutely nothing for my kids and I vow never to be like that. I also learned that some people are always going to have a problem with the world around them, even when the world tries it's hardest to be kind and do it's best to help them. The horrible experience I had this evening has taught me a lot and has taught me about the things that are really important. It taught me to always have compassion, even if I feel like someone has wronged me. People make mistakes. Nobody is perfect. It's not worth ruining the life of some else to get my way. I learned forgiveness is a key. Most importantly I learned to keep the lives of others in mind before I over react and do something I might regret. How nice of a world we would live in if people would be more worried about the way they treat others instead of the way they think others should treat them.

After my emotional evening, my wonderful parents came over for dinner. It was just what I needed to get my emotions under control and be happier.
I have two great parents that I know love me.

After dinner it was be time. As I went in to kiss Rhev goodnight I noticed he wasn't sleeping with his puppies. On the floor beside him he had created beds for both his puppies and he told me they were sound asleep. Each puppy had a soft pad, a blanket, and a toy to sleep with. I was one of the sweetest things I have ever seen.

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