Friday, May 17, 2013

The beautiful part of Spring

As a family, one of our favorite activities is playing in the dirt and planting our flower and vegetable gardens. Well our yard at our new house is mostly a disaster zone, and it didn't look like I was going  to get a flower bed this year. But my sweet husband knew it was really important to me to have some flowers to plant. So he got a shovel and we got to work.

 The flowerbed was filled with rocks about 6in deep. It was not any easy task. He also shoveled out the window well so that we won't be constantly flooding the basement.
This is how it looked after he had most of it shoveled. He ended up have to dig pretty deep because the dirt was really terrible. So I got to drive the 4-wheeler and bucket by bucket we added better dirt. I took us a whole afternoon, but I am so grateful for the finished product. It just feels good!

Gerber Daisy Galore 

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