Friday, May 17, 2013

How is it with all the boys in the world, I got the best ones?!

Through out my life I have been given many undeserved blessings. One of those blessings I hold most dear to my heart is the 3 wonderful boys I am privileged to call mine. Being able to be called a wife and a mom is truly the most wonderful blessing ever given to me. The boys in my life are my world and they are the best in the world. They make me laugh, smile, cry, scream, giggle, frown and so many other wonderful expressions. I never thought as I was a growing child and teen that I would be blessed with such a wonderful life and family. I am truly blessed.

I love you Mom
Trayvn John 1 year


 My Tyce                                                     Rhev Tyce 4 years
Pure Joy
As you can tell, there is not a luckier girl in the world. I am married to my King and surrounded by two handsome princes. I am so blessed and happy.

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