We had a wonderful Valentines weekend. It all started Thursday with preschool and story time. Rhev's class invited all the kids to make Valentines boxes. He was so proud of his. He cut out a picture of Thomas the train from his magazine he gets every couple of months and glued it to an amazon box.
I thought it turned out pretty dang good. He was really happy with it and was so excited to take it to show his class. All of his teachers thought that it was the best box :)
Both Tyce and I stayed up late last night and decorated the house, wrapped the boys presents. We really wanted them to be surprised when they woke up.

We don't usually make Valentines Day a big deal, because I'm usually gone with cheerleading so this year we decided we needed to make up for lost time and do it big. We got the boys just some trinkety things and some balloons. Of course they thought the balloons were the best.
I got Tyce a new belt for his snowmobile, some snacks and planned him a snowmobile trip for Saturday.
Tyce beat me in the gift department though. He got me flowers and a hand gun :) All week I could tell he was hiding a secret from me and I was getting a little upset at him. He was glad when Valentines day finally showed up because he was tired of my constant nagging to get him to tell me what he was hiding. I never once thought that it might be a valentines surprise. He is such a great man for putting up with me.
After we opened our gifts, Tyce surprised me with a date to the temple. It has been a year since I was able to do a session because of the pregnancy and the new born baby. I was truly ecstatic to finally get to go. He organised babysitters and everything. After the temple, we got a quick bite to eat and went to get our boys. The rest of the day we spent as a family working a playing.
Later tonight we blew up the glow in the dark balloons we got for the boys and decorated them like monsters. The boys were SO cute with them.
When we told them it was bed time, they insisted that they got to sleep with them. It was a great ending to a great day!
Happy Valentines Day!!