Our family finally got the chance to go camping. Our boys have waited all summer. Now it is the end of October, but we made it on a trip.
Wednesday, October 23
We spent the morning packing the camper and getting ready to go. We were finally packed and left at 3:00. Luke Grandma and Grandpa were able to come with us. The boys were so excited. I drove the Yukon with the kids and pulled the 4-wheeler and Tyce drove the pickup and pulled the camper. He wanted to get some firewood so that's why he had me drive a separate vehicles and pull a trailer.
I took us a little while to find a camping spot, but we finally did and Maylie was starving. I feed her while Grandma watched the boys and Tyce and Grandpa set up the campers. The boys loved adventuring around and trying to help Grandma and Mom build a fire. It took us quite a while to get it started, but Grandma finally got it. It's a good thing Grandpa always has paper towels because we use alot of them to get it burning. By the time we got all that finished it was dark. So we cooked hamburgers, ate dinner and put the boys to bed. Then Tyce and I were able to get a good card game of Pinochle played with my parents. That is one of our favorite things to do. We like to play Pinochle any chance we can get.
Thursday, October 24
We had a really great night. The boys both slept through the night and Maylie loved a full night of snuggle time with Mom. The furnace in the camper worked so well. It kept us so warm. It was just like sleeping at home. It was pretty cold in the morning so we stayed in the camper til about 10:00 and then Grandma and Grandpa had made us breakfast. Once breakfast was over, Maylie was sleeping, so we took the boys outside for an adventure. They loved the creek. they never tried to get in the water, but they loved seeing the fish and throwing rocks.
Trayvn kept yelling "Fishy look Mom!!!! Fishy look"
Finally it was time to go fishing. We had to wait for Dad and grandpa to get done cleaning up breakfast and getting the fishing pole ready. Tyce took Rhev and went down the creek and Trayvn, Grandpa and I went up the creek.
The creek was really beautiful with the fall colors
Trayvn was in Heaven fishing with his grandpa. He kept yelling that he saw fish. We had to keep reminding him to whisper.
We fished for about an hour and didn't get a single bite. We decided to try again later.
When we got back to camp we saw Rhev and Dad walking back, swapping the ground. Tyce has taken Rhev grasshopper catching. They didn't have any bites fishing either, so they thought that maybe they would catch some grasshoppers and the fish would eat that better. Trayvn is our little "bug" boy, so Tyce gave him one to hold. He was so proud of his grasshopper.
Tyce thought it would be a good idea to put the fishing poles in the creek and leave them there. Then maybe we could come back later and there would be a fish on the hook.
Grandpa was rinsing off his hands and doing something in the creek. The boys were absolutely fascinated. They think that everything Grandpa does is just amazing.
Trayvn and I had a photo-shoot together. I just love this cute, energetic little boy!
In the afternoon Tyce and I took the kids to Soda Springs to watch Kayl and Brielle run in their district cross country meet. Both of them did really well and both made it to State next weekend.
watching them run |
After cross country we took the boys over to see the Soda Springs geyser. We were 5 minutes late to see it go off, but the boys still thought it was fun to walk around the path and look at all the cool rocks and water.
Then we drove around town trying to find where we could get some Soda water. Finally we stopped and asked someone that was checking his mail. We were right next to it, we just drove too far. Tyce was the only one brave enough to drink it, but we filled up a bottle so we could share it with Grandma and Grandpa.
We headed back to camp and to find Luke Grandma and Grandpa. They were at camp getting dinner ready when we arrived. Then we waited for Candy Grandma, Grandpa, Kayl, Brielle, Chase and Shandarae to come. They were going to camp with us. These are some picture I took of the boys while we waited for them to come. We had to sit by the road and wait for them so they would know where we were.
Once William's got there, we ate dinner and decided it would be fun to go swimming at Lava Hot Springs. Luke Grandma and Grandpa were sweet enough to stay behind and keep Maylie, while we left for a couple hours. We were wanted to go to the cold pools, but they were closed so we went over to the hot pools. My boys love to swim. They are fish! Then we headed back to camp and went to bed.
Friday, October 25
The night wasn't so great. Trayvn had a couple nightmares and didn't sleep very good. I feel so bad for him when he can't sleep. Once again we stayed in our camper until 10:00 and then had breakfast that Candy Grandma had cooked.
Maylie had a rough night/ day of reflux, so we decided it was time for her to have a bath. This was her first actual bath. Her umbilical cord fell off on Wednesday before we left, so we haven't been able to give her a real bath yet. So her first bath was done while camping and in a camper in October. Yep this girl is going to be tough:)
She wasn't so thrilled at first, but then she loved it!
We spent the rest of the day hanging around camp, playing games and going 4-wheeling. We did rockets (Alka-Selzer, water and film bottles), played with modeling clay, shot sling shots, played card games and Rhev caught another fish. The fish story was kind of funny. everyone was sitting around talking while Rhev and Trayvn went down to the creek to play. Soon we heard Rhev screaming "I caught a fish I caught a fish". The line we left out in the water had again caught another fish. Silly Rhev, instead of reeling the line in, he just pulled on the line and drug it in. The fish was really a pretty big fish for being in a creek. He was so proud he had caught it by himself with no one there to help him.
That night after it got dark I asked Luke Grandpa to go and get his harmonica. Once of my very favorite things to do while camping, or anytime, is listen to my Dad play his harmonica. He is self taught and very talented. He can play anything. He plays by ear and can figure out the tune to any song you can name. It was really fun to show off my Dad to Tyce's family.
Saturday, October 26
Today was a little colder then all the other day so we mostly stayed in the camper until after noon. Once it warmed up we went outside and played card games, had lunch then it was time to clean up and come home.
She always folds her arms |
I was a really great camping trip and I am so grateful for the chance my family had to be together and be in the mountains. We are so blessed to be able to do the things we can as a family.